Dr. Etienne Meunier (Institute of Pharmacology & Structural Biology (IPBS) will give a seminar entitled: Emerging innate immune sensors in microbial detection, on June 12 at 2:00 pm - Rooms 1, 2, 3 - IRS2, Nantes
"K. Ducoin's thesis defense on December 2
Kathleen Ducoin (team 3) will present her thesis entitled: Etude des réponses lymphocytaires CD8 antitumorales et modulation par les " Immune Checkpoints " dans le cancer colorectal humain on December 2 at 14.00 at IRS2, Nantes
"Inborn errors of human IL-17-mediated immunity"
Seminar of Dr Anne Puel (Inserm, UMR 1163/Institut Imagine, Paris), on October 18, 2022, at 1:45 pm, in amphi 1 of the Faculty of Medicine. Her seminar will focus on the identification of genetic causes responsible for a predisposition to fungal infections (chronic mucocutaneous)
Obtaining a 300 K€ funding from the Defense Innovation Agency (AID) via the ANR within the framework of the "Specific Support for Defense Research and Innovation" program (ASTRID)
Congratulations to Frédéric Pécorari, researcher in our unit (team 1) for obtaining a 300 K€ funding from the Defense Innovation Agency (AID) via the ANR within the framework of the program "Accompagnement Spécifique des Travaux de Recherches et d'Innovation Défense" (ASTRID). The project of F. Pécorari concerns "Multifunctional antibacterial enhancers stimulating innate immunity" and has as partners Bernard Maillère (CEA, DMTS), Benoit Favier (CEA, IDMIT) and Karine Bernardeau (P2R)
Springboard for bilateral research cooperation - Africa 2021" award for Estelle Marion
Congratulations to Estelle Marion on winning the "Springboard for Bilateral Research Cooperation - Africa 2021" award at the Grand Medal Conference and International Awards Ceremony of the Academy of Sciences.
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