The INCIT unit is pleased to announce that it has been awarded an ambitious European program on immunotherapy, bringing together 7 partners (including 2 biotechs) in 4 European countries. This program is coordinated by Frédéric ALTARE, Director of the UMR 1302, INCIT in Nantes. Project title: immunotherapy of inflammatory bowel diseases
Obtaining a 330 K€ funding for an ANR JCJC
Congratulations to Estelle Marion, a researcher in our unit (team 4) for obtaining an ANR JCJC entitled "myEVs" for an amount of 330 K€! Her project aims to understand the role of M. ulcerans vesicles in the pathophysiology of Buruli ulcer.
Obtaining a 300 K€ funding from the Defense Innovation Agency (AID) via the ANR within the framework of the "Specific Support for Defense Research and Innovation" program (ASTRID)
Congratulations to Frédéric Pécorari, researcher in our unit (team 1) for obtaining a 300 K€ funding from the Defense Innovation Agency (AID) via the ANR within the framework of the program "Accompagnement Spécifique des Travaux de Recherches et d'Innovation Défense" (ASTRID). The project of F. Pécorari concerns "Multifunctional antibacterial enhancers stimulating innate immunity" and has as partners Bernard Maillère (CEA, DMTS), Benoit Favier (CEA, IDMIT) and Karine Bernardeau (P2R)
New CRA funding for Team 3
Team 3 is a partner in a programme labelled by the ARC, and led by B. Malissen (CIML), concerning the functional optimisation of human anti-tumour T cells via the proteomic analysis of their inhibitory immunoreceptors.
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