Incit news

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"2 prizes for Incit at the Go Immuno congress - December 11 & 12, 2023".
INCIT was honored at the "Go Immuno" conference organized by Labex IGO in December. Margaux Verdon (team 1) was awarded the prize for best poster, while Gwenann Cadiou (team 3) won the prize for best oral communication!
"2 prizes for Incit at the Go Immuno congress - December 11 & 12, 2023".
INCIT was honored at the "Go Immuno" conference organized by Labex IGO in December. Margaux Verdon (team 1) was awarded the prize for best poster, while Gwenann Cadiou (team 3) won the prize for best oral communication!
"Cross-talks between Death Receptor signalling and ER stress response in cancer".
Dr Elodie Lafont (U1242 Inserm, Centre Eugène Marquis, Rennes), guest of Team 2, will give a seminar entitled: Cross-talks between Death Receptor signalling and ER stress response in cancer , on November 27 at 14.00 - Rooms 1, 2, 3 - IRS2, Nantes
"Reactivation of the STING pathway to improve the efficacy of immunotherapies (anti-PD(L)1) in heterotypic spheroid models of urothelial carcinoma."
Dr Céline Gongora (Institut de cancérologie de Montpellier (IRCM), guest of Team 3, will give a seminar entitled: Reactivation of the STING pathway to improve the efficacy of immunotherapies (anti-PD-(L)1) in urothelial carcinoma models , June 21 at 11.00 - Rooms 1, 2, 3 - IRS2, Nantes
"C. Rabu's HDR on June 16".
Catherine Rabu (team 3) will present her HDR entitled: Antigènes de tumeurs issus de LongNonCoding RNA: identification, modes d'expression et utilisation thérapeutique on June 16 at 14.30, rooms 1, 2, 3 at IRS2, Nantes.
"Emerging innate immune sensors in microbial detection".
Dr. Etienne Meunier (Institute of Pharmacology & Structural Biology (IPBS) will give a seminar entitled: Emerging innate immune sensors in microbial detection, on June 12 at 2:00 pm - Rooms 1, 2, 3 - IRS2, Nantes
"Investigating the interaction between T cell metabolism and physical ability in aged mice: translation to humans."
Dr Isabelle Satney (Centre Méditerranéen de Médecine Moléculaire) will give a seminar entitled: Study of the interaction between T cell metabolism and physical capacities in aged mice: transposition to humans, May 11 at 11:00 am - Rooms 1, 2, 3 - IRS2, Nantes
"Learning to train and to explain a deep survival model with large scale ovarian cancer transcriptomic data."
Dr Elena Menand Spirina (Institut de Cancérologie de l'Ouest) will give a seminar entitled: Learning to train and to explain a deep survival model with large scale ovarian cancer transcriptomic data, on April 13 at 14.30 - Amphi D. Escande at IRS-UN, Nantes
"Evaluation of digestive homeostasis disturbances induced by recombinant erythropoietin treatment."
Dr. Guillaume Sarrabayrouse from UMR 8258 will give a seminar entitled: Evaluation of digestive homeostasis disturbances induced by recombinant erythropoietin treatment, on February 28 at 14.00 Rooms 1, 2, 3 at IRS2, Nantes
" News from the Gut: how to investigate ENS and related diseases
Dr. Karl Herbert Schaefer from the University of Kaiserslautern will give a seminar entitled: News from the Gut: how to investigate ENS and related diseases , on January 30 at 11.00 am Rooms 1, 2, 3 at IRS2, Nantes
European funding for immunotherapy of inflammatory bowel diseases
The INCIT unit is pleased to announce that it has been awarded an ambitious European program on immunotherapy, bringing together 7 partners (including 2 biotechs) in 4 European countries. This program is coordinated by Frédéric ALTARE, Director of the UMR 1302, INCIT in Nantes. Project title: immunotherapy of inflammatory bowel diseases